Comme indiqué dans notre politique de confidentialité, nous collectons vos données personnelles issues de vos interactions avec notre site web, notamment via l’utilisation des cookies et technologies similaires. Ces informations peuvent être partagées avec des tiers, y compris des partenaires publicitaires. Nous procédons ainsi afin de vous présenter des publicités sur d'autres sites web qui correspondent mieux à vos intérêts et pour d'autres raisons détaillées dans notre politique de confidentialité.

Nous sommes conscients que le partage de données personnelles à des fins publicitaires ciblées basé sur votre navigation peut être considéré comme une « vente », un « partage » ou de la « publicité ciblée » selon les lois relatives à la confidentialité en vigueur dans certains États américains. Selon votre lieu de résidence, vous disposez donc probablement d'un droit d'opposition à ces activités. Si vous souhaitez exercer ce droit, nous vous invitons à suivre les instructions ci-dessous.

Si vous visitez notre site web après avoir activé le paramètre de désactivation du Contrôle de confidentialité global, selon votre lieu de résidence, nous considérerons cela comme une demande de ne pas participer aux activités pouvant être considérées comme une « vente » ou un « partage » d'informations personnelles ou à toute autre utilisation pouvant être considérée comme de la publicité ciblée, pour l'appareil et le navigateur que vous avez utilisés pour accéder à notre site.

  1. Your right to opt-out of sales, sharing, and targeted advertising

To provide you with more interesting and customized information, promotions and advertising, we disclose personal information to third-party providers of advertising technologies and services who may use such personal information for their own purposes or to serve other customers, including to display Dita advertisements to you on non-Dita sites and services. These common forms of data sharing and use are considered "targeted advertising" under the consumer privacy laws of Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, and Utah, and/or "selling" and "sharing" as defined under the consumer privacy laws of California. Please note that we do not sell personal information in the sense of exchanging it for money. Residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, and Utah have or will soon have the right to opt out of certain data sharing and usage arrangements and, once such rights apply (we do not honor opt out requests beyond our legal obligations), and may do so by:

  • Clicking
  • Filling out the form below.

If you choose the first option, we will opt you out based on the browser and device from which we receive your request. Your opt-out request may not extend to other devices or browsers that you might use if we do not know that these relate to you. If you would like to opt out more broadly, you can use the second option and fill out the form below. Please note that we may need to verify your identity and residency before acting on a request.

We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable laws, which may vary depending on the state of your residence. Please note that opting out of sales, sharing, and targeted advertising will not prevent all Dita advertisements from being displayed to you. You may still view contextual or other Dita advertisements that do not rely on "targeted advertising" techniques or “sales” and "sharing" to our advertising partners. We may also continue to disclose your personal information to third parties for purposes outside of cross-context behavioral advertising.

  1. Submitting opt-out requests via an authorized agent

You may designate an authorized agent to submit an opt-out request on your behalf. To do so, we must receive a written authorization stating that you have authorized the authorized agent to submit a request on your behalf which has been signed by you and the authorized agent, and we must have verified the identity of you and the authorized agent. If you are a California resident, please also see our California Consumer Privacy Act Privacy Policy for information about our processing practices and the steps you must take to designate an authorized agent.

  1. Opt-Out Preference Signals.

In California, Colorado, and Connecticut, we respond to opt-out preference signals communicated via the Global Privacy Control and will process such signals with respect to the browser or device communicating the signals, or with respect to you specifically if you have signed onto your Dita account while communicating Global Privacy opt-out preference signals. To use Global Privacy Control opt-out preference signals, please follow the instructions here: